19 October 2014

Little Wool Elephant Raffle

So far, this raffle has raised $33!

Psst. You, yeah you.
Wanna win that cute little elephant down there, plus help support a local organization? Specifically, support the Fairground's House, a full time residential facility for adults who can't quite manage on their own, for various reasons. It is the only such facility on our island. You help support something great, plus could potentially win a hand knit stuffed animal for as little as $1. It's a win win!

The Raffle is now closed Please see the most recent post for the winner.

Simply, buy the tickets using that button. Please, I would appreciate it if you have a PayPal account, as then I have your e-mail and mailing address, so much easier for if you win! All money raised will go to the Fairground's House, Nantucket! If you buy five, you get five tickets, if you buy four, you get four chances to win, etc etc. I will then use the random number generator from the folks at random.org to pick the winner!
This cute little girl is knit from the pattern Girl Elephant in a Frondy Frock as well as A Selection of Seasonal Dress Patterns, both by Julie Williams, used with permission for this contest. http://littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk/knitting-patterns/. She is knit from 100% Scottish Highland Wool and is about 8.5" tall.

**The fine print**
- Tickets will be numbered in the order in which they are purchased. If you are the first to buy, you will have ticket number one, if you are the second to purchase, you will have ticket number two, etc.
- Contest will be open from now, until November 19th, I will announce the winner the next day.
- Contest is open world wide.
- Yes, the money will be going to my PayPal account, but then I will give the total to them. (Minus any processing fees from PayPal.)
- Buying tickets does not guarantee you're winning.


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